The needs of
Miniature Goats:
Water: Clean cool fresh water is a must. Goats will often require a drink after eating grain, chaff, hay and other supplement foods. On hot days Miniature Goats will return to the water trough several times. Whilst goats are capable of extracting moisture from vegetation they browse and feed on, it rarely meets all their needs. Water must be free of contamination, and will have to be changed regularly. Nursing mothers will consume large quantities of water. Ensure the water trough is not too far off the ground, and the sides are not too deep.
Feed: Miniature Goats require little additional feeding. If grass, weeds and bush is readily available, a small amount of supplement feed daily will keep your animal tame. Supplement feed will vary from location to location. We feed a mixture of chaff, crushed grain and a molasses protein mix. Approximately two thirds of the mix is chaff (oaten, wheaten and Lucerne). We also use a sheep or goat pellet as required. The animal love feed time. They will mob you with excitement as the jostle for the best position at the trough. We find this a good time to look at the condition of the animals, and we often take this opportunity to perform other animal husbandry on the stock.
Water: Clean cool fresh water is a must. Goats will often require a drink after eating grain, chaff, hay and other supplement foods. On hot days Miniature Goats will return to the water trough several times. Whilst goats are capable of extracting moisture from vegetation they browse and feed on, it rarely meets all their needs. Water must be free of contamination, and will have to be changed regularly. Nursing mothers will consume large quantities of water. Ensure the water trough is not too far off the ground, and the sides are not too deep.
Feed: Miniature Goats require little additional feeding. If grass, weeds and bush is readily available, a small amount of supplement feed daily will keep your animal tame. Supplement feed will vary from location to location. We feed a mixture of chaff, crushed grain and a molasses protein mix. Approximately two thirds of the mix is chaff (oaten, wheaten and Lucerne). We also use a sheep or goat pellet as required. The animal love feed time. They will mob you with excitement as the jostle for the best position at the trough. We find this a good time to look at the condition of the animals, and we often take this opportunity to perform other animal husbandry on the stock.
Animal Management: Miniature Goat ownership is a commitment.
Your animals will require regular attention. Ensure pasture and paddock are
rotated to reduce parasite problems.
Resting paddocks for six weeks or so will assist with intestinal worm and parasite
management. Regular worm treatment is recommended to maintain animal health.
Some parasites will cause goats to become ill quickly. If your animal is not behaving
normally, or becomes withdrawn, seek a vets advice as soon as possible. If paddock rotation is not
possible, ensure your worming programme is followed all year round. This may
require drenching up to once every 14days. Seek advice from your local vet, or
other goat owners in your district to understand what might affect your animal.
Different climates will present various parasites to manage.
Trimming of your goats hoof will be required every few months. Trimming will keep the feet of your Miniature Goat healthy. A healthy goat is a happy goat. During cool, or damp periods the hoof may crack and split. Application of various treatments will assist you in keeping the hoof healthy. A properly trimmed hoof will make walking and climbing much more comfortable for your goat.
Trimming of your goats hoof will be required every few months. Trimming will keep the feet of your Miniature Goat healthy. A healthy goat is a happy goat. During cool, or damp periods the hoof may crack and split. Application of various treatments will assist you in keeping the hoof healthy. A properly trimmed hoof will make walking and climbing much more comfortable for your goat.
All weather shelter is a must. Miniature Goats need to be
able to get out of the sun, rain and wind. Any shelter should give your goat
the opportunity to get up off the ground. Pallets are ideal and a cost
effective method to provide an elevated surface. Miniature Goats will crap
where they sleep. There is no other way to put it. Shelters will either have to
periodically be cleaned our, or be moveable. We have shelters that can be moved
with mesh floors. Even though the mesh may be smaller than the pellet (poo) passed by the goat, as the
animals walk over the mesh they
will break down the pellet, allowing it to pass through. What is left behind is
used on the garden.
Vaccination of your animal is recommended. Vaccination and booster shots can be given by yourself and is a simple procedure. Alternatively, your local vet can carry out the vaccination for you.
Refer to local and state government requirements when keeping goats. Some local governments prohibit keeping of livestock, including goats in suburban backyards.
Vaccination of your animal is recommended. Vaccination and booster shots can be given by yourself and is a simple procedure. Alternatively, your local vet can carry out the vaccination for you.
Refer to local and state government requirements when keeping goats. Some local governments prohibit keeping of livestock, including goats in suburban backyards.
A Property Identification Number or (PIC) is a
number allocated to your property by the Department of Primary Industry (DPI)
. This is a requirement and is used to identify your property for the keeping and movement of all livestock.
. This is a requirement and is used to identify your property for the keeping and movement of all livestock.